smart health science limited provides board advice, research, assessments, processes and support in bringing a wide range of innovations to market worldwide. We work with organisations that need to innovate, or to adopt innovations, to survive; and with policy and science research organisations that need experienced advice and guidance. Customers are across sectors (private, public and social enterprise) in the health, care and life sciences industry and beyond into the broader public sector. Our forte is helping in the difficult space where technology meets everyday life; where great ideas meet economic reality.
See More About UsSmart Innovation Management
Aside from the normal elements of a business case and go-to-market plan, our experience is that many core design, management, financial, planning and production innovation criteria are frequently overlooked or ignored. So we’ve captured our experience into a tried-and-tested toolkit, Smart Innovation Management (SIM).
SIM is the bedrock of our work supporting clients. We use it as an assessment tool to help clients plan and accelerate the dissemination of their inventions; to provide training and insights into innovation management; and to guide in the work we do supporting new companies, services and ideas coming to market, whether in the public, private or social enterprise sectors.
With SIM, innovations are assessed against a ten-factor structure, generating a series of critical questions to be addressed. Experienced, serial innovators providing independent input and advice, facilitate the assessment. Then, looking at the implications of the ten factors together, an overall “Business Model Shift” (BMS) score is generated. Innovations with large BMS scores can have huge, often disruptive impact on a market or customer- but need very careful planning and management to succeed. Low BMS scores may indicate that the innovation is not compelling or significant enough to be sustained or differentiated – and therefore more work is needed on the proposition. The BMS score from the SIM process highlights further issues that must be addressed for successful, sustainable business change to be supported by the innovation.
We are happy to discuss arrangements for other organisations to use SIM too – to help manage investment portfolios, improve go-to-market plans, drive research agendas – or working in partnership with smart health science in new markets for our services.
See More About Smart Innovation ManagementOur lead advisor
Kevin Dean founded smart health science limited in 2013, shortly after being listed in the top 50 healthcare innovators by the Health Service Journal. Kevin has worked with innovative technology for more than 25 years and in healthcare, research and life sciences for much of that time. Kevin also has experience with large organisations implementing complex information technology in the automotive, high technology and energy sectors. Kevin is currently Visiting Professor of Telehealth & Assistive Living at the Maersk Institute, University of Southern Denmark, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine and BCS, the Chartered Institute of IT, where he is a member of the Internet of Things Working Group.
See More About Kevin Dean
Our customers
We provide innovation support and research advice to leading organisations, deploying our Smart Innovation Management toolkit and advising companies on bringing their innovations into the health, care and life science market – whether they are private, public or social enterprises. We are working across this portfolio on the implementation of leading-edge tele-health, radiology, assistive living, information, genomics, healthcare research, communication and collaboration technologies – often co-produced with citizens, patients and professionals – increasing health, reducing demand, driving personal & community resilience – and creating more capacity to care.
Latest News
Added 9 December 2016 – smart health science client AMRA yesterday won the final of DI Digital Startup, organised by one of the biggest business newspapers in Sweden.
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